Print (Release 9.2 Update)

Use these processing options to specify the versions for the available print programs.

1. License Plate Print Batch Program (R46L850)version

Enter the version of the default License Plate Print Batch program (R46L850). If you leave this field blank, the system uses XJDE0001.

2. User-Defined Program

Enter the user-defined License Plate Print Batch program to print the license plate information in your own template, instead of using the default R46L850 program.

3. User-Defined Version

Enter the version of the user-defined License Plate Print Batch program that you have specified in the User-Defined program field. This field is mandatory if you are using a user-defined program to print the license plate information.

Note: If valid values are not specified in the User-Defined Program and the User-Defined Version fields, the system displays an error during the print process.