Process Rules

Select Process Rules.

Default Pack Code

Enter a code (46/PK) that identifies the packing materials to use (such as opaque shrink wrap, or foam nuggets) if repacking is required before putaway. If you set the Repack (Y/N) field to Y, you must enter a code in this field.

Container Code

Enter a code (46/EQ) that identifies a storage container or a shipping carton. A storage container can be an open container where items are stored on the container (for example, a pallet), or a closed container where items are stored in the container (for example, a box).

Capacity Method

A code that indicates the capacity method the system uses to calculate whether the quantity to be put away fits in a location. Values are:

1: Volume checking. The system compares the available cubic dimensions of a location to the cubic dimensions of the item to be put away.

2: Layering. The system compares the item's dimensions to the usable dimensions of the location. This method lets you layer goods in a location. If you specify this capacity method, you must also specify whether the item can be rotated. If there is enough available volume, and the item's dimensions fit in the location, the system suggests the location for putaway

3: Quantity checking. The system examines the quantity of the item that should fit in the location, as you defined it through Location Capacity Definition (P46024).

U/M Usage

A code that indicates whether the default storage container assigned to the specified item in this unit of measure is an open, pallet-type container or a closed, box-type container. The system calculates the item's volume and weight based on container type. Valid codes are:

1: The container is an open, pallet-type container. The system calculates its volume and weight as follows: Height = the height of the container plus the height of the items on the container Weight = the weight of the container plus the weight of the items on the container Width = the larger of the width of the container or the items on the container Depth = the larger of the depth of the container or the items on the container

2: The container is a closed, box-type container. The system calculates its volume and weight as follows: Weight = The weight of the container plus the weight of the goods in the container Height, width, and depth are pulled from Container and Carton Code (P46091) information, where you also define the container's weight.

Note: If you do not specify a default container for the specified item in this unit of measure, the system uses the height, width, depth, and weight defined on this form.
Carton Rcmd Method

A code that indicates the method that the system uses to recommend a carton for the specified item in this unit of measure. Values are:

Blank: Do not recommend cartons for the specified item in this unit of measure.

1: Recommend shipping cartons for the specified item in this unit of measure based on the volume of the item and the volume of the shipping carton.

2: Recommend shipping cartons for the specified item in this unit of measure based on the percentage of the shipping carton that the item and unit of measure occupy.

3: Recommend shipping cartons for the specified item in this unit of measure based on the warehouse standard pack of the item and unit of measure.

Putaway Tag Method

A code that indicates the number of move tags that the system prints for putaway of this item. Valid codes are:

N: Do not print move tags for putaway

T: Print one move tag per putaway trip

1: Print a move tag for each unit of this unit of measure for putaway

Picking Tag Method

A code that indicates the number of move tags that the system prints for picking of this item. Valid codes are:

N: Do not print move tags for picking

T: Print one move tag per picking trip

1: Print a move tag for each unit of this unit of measure for picking

Replen Tag Method

A code that indicates the number of move tags that the system prints for replenishment of this item. Valid codes are:

N: Do not print move tags for replenishment

T: Print one move tag per replenishment trip

1: Print a move tag for each unit of this unit of measure for replenishment

License Plate

Indicate whether you want the system to automatically create a license plate number for the specified item or item dimension group in this unit of measure.


Indicate whether you allow the system to break a unit of measure (such as a pallet) down into smaller units of measure (such as cases).


Indicate whether you allow rollup during picking.


Indicate whether the specified item in this unit of measure should be repacked before putaway.

Note: You must also specify a packing method by entering a code in the Default Pack Code field.
Allow Rotation

A code that indicates whether you allow the system to rotate an item 90 degrees to determine whether the item fits into a location.

Note: You must enter a code in this field if you use capacity method 2 (layering).