Processing Options in Manufacturing Programs

To create picking requests through manufacturing programs, set the Pick Requests processing option on the Warehouse Tab for Order Processing (R31410) and the Parts List (P3111) processing option on the Versions Tab for the Manufacturing Work Order Processing (P48013) programs.

You can check for item availability at the staging location when you create a pick request.

If the item is attached to a work center, the system does not create a pick request if a sufficient quantity of the item exists in the work center to complete the work order.

The system does create a pick request if there is not enough quantity of the item in the work center to complete the work order. The system splits the parts list line into a commitment for the amount that is available in the work center and a soft commitment for the unavailable quantity. You specify in Manufacturing Constants (P3009) whether the commitment for the work center quantity is hard (committed to a specific location) or soft (committed to the item's primary location).

If the item is not attached to a work center and if you have set the manufacturing order entry program's processing options to check the staging location for item availability, the system does not create a pick request if a sufficient quantity of the item exists in the staging location to complete the work order.

The system creates a pick request if there is not enough quantity of the item in the staging location to complete the work order. The system creates a hard or soft commitment to the default staging location that you specified in the processing options. If you did not specify a default staging location, the system creates a soft commitment to the item's primary location.