Purge Movement Information

The system stores the data in tables each time you create requests, suggestions, tasks, and reservations. This data can consume storage space and increase processing time for all transactions that exchange information with the tables. You use the WMS Purge Movement Information program (R4600P) to purge information that you no longer need from these tables:

  • Warehouse Requests (F4600)

  • F4611

  • Warehouse Requests Tag File (F4600T)

  • Warehouse Suggestions Tag File (F4611T)

  • Warehouse Task Header (F4601)

  • Putaway Reservations (F46130)

  • Bulk Pick Requests (F46200)

The WMS Purge Movement Information program searches all of the information in the table that you specify and purges only the information for which processing has been completed. A request and its suggestions must meet all of this criteria before the system purges data:

  • Requests must be closed or canceled.

  • Associated suggestions must be confirmed or canceled.

  • Associated tasks must be completed or canceled.

  • Associated reservations must be confirmed or canceled.

For tasks that several work orders share, such as work order completions putaway requests, you specify the work order status at which you can purge the task. A task must meet this criteria before the system can purge the data:

  • All requests and suggestions that are associated with the task are closed, complete, or canceled.

  • The work order header that is associated with the task meets the status requirement that you specify.

When you run the WMS Purge Movement Information program, you can select the requests you want to purge. Using the processing options, you can run the program in proof or final mode. When you run the program in proof mode, the system generates a report that enables you to review the information that the system purges.

When you run the program in final mode, the system permanently removes the information from the tables that you specified. You can also select to have the system move the information to special purge tables. To move the information, you set a processing option to store the information in these tables:

  • F4600PU (Warehouse Requests - Purged).

  • F4611PU (Warehouse Suggestions - Purged).

  • F4600TPU (Warehouse Requests Tag File - Purged).

  • F4611TPU (Warehouse Suggestions Tag File - Purged).

  • F4601PU (Warehouse Task Header - Purged).

  • F46130PU (Putaway Reservations - Purged).

  • F46200PU (Bulk Pick Requests - Purged).

After you run the program in final mode, the system generates a report that lists all requests, suggestions, tasks, and reservations that were not purged and the reason that the system did not purge them. The report also lists the total number of requests, suggestions, tasks, and reservations that were and were not purged.