Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC)

SSCC (SSCC-18) is a unique serial number that is assigned to cartons or shipping containers, including entire truckloads or shipments.

The SSCC code is a variable code that can be a hierarchical structure of SCCs and UPCs. The code is a key to a database record. For example, an SSCC may be put on a pallet that has 10 cases of soda and 10 cases of juice.

This graphic illustrates the structure of SSCC-18 code:

SSCC-18 Code Structure

The SSCC-18 code is made up of a:

  • Single-digit check character.

  • 9-digit serial number that identifies the shipping method that is assigned by the company.

  • 7-digit company (or manufacturer) ID that is assigned by UCC/EAN.

  • Single-digit packaging type. This identifier is fixed and has these values:

    • 0 indicates the shipping container is a case or carton.

    • 2 indicates that shipping container is a pallet (larger than a case).

    • 3 indicates the shipping container is undefined.

    • 4 indicates the shipping container that you use internally for intra-company use.

    • 5 - 9 are reserved for future use.

To process orders that comply to UCC 128 specifications, you must set up customer and item information. For example, you can define customer preferences for transmitted information and standard identification codes for products.