Setting Up Random Rules

Access the Random Requirements Revisions form.

Random Rule

Enter a code (46/SR) that identifies a random requirements table. If you use Random, Empty or Existing locations for the movement method, you can enter a random rule code to consider only locations whose characteristics match the random rule. You can leave Random Rule blank to have the system consider all locations for each movement method.


Enter a number that ranks optional characteristics in a random rule. During random putaway, picking, and replenishment, the system selects locations with characteristics that match the random rule's characteristics, according to the random characteristic sequence. If a characteristic is required, the system does not use the random sequence.

Rel. (relationship)

Enter a code ((H46/PU) that indicates what location characteristics should be included or excluded when choosing locations with a random rule. Each characteristic specified on a random rule must have a relationship code. You assign relationships on Random Tables (P46822). Values are:

Enter EQ: to search for locations with characteristics that equal the random rule characteristics

Enter NE: to search for locations with characteristics that do not equal the random rule characteristics

R O (required or optional)

Enter a code (H46/RQ) that indicates whether a location characteristic is required or optional for a random rule to select the location. The random rule selects locations that have characteristics matching the random rule's required characteristics. The random rule does not necessarily select locations matching the random rule's optional characteristics. Values are:

Enter R: to use only locations that have this required characteristic

Enter O: to use locations that have this optional characteristic, if possible


A code (46/DF) defines a characteristic for a location or location group. You can define unlimited characteristics (such as Cold, Dark, Dry, Heavy, and Secure) for any location or location group.