Setting Up Two-Phase Movements

Access the Item Profile Revisions form.

Overflow Location

Enter a code to identify the location that the system uses when an item cannot fit into the attempted putaway locations. You can monitor movement suggestions for the overflow location by accessing the audit report (P46175) or by inquiring on the location detail (F4602).

Variance Location

Enter a code to identify the location that the system uses when you confirm a smaller quantity than the suggested quantity during any movement confirmation. You do this through Override Suggestion during any movement confirmation, where you enter a quantity that is smaller than the suggested quantity, and confirm with a variance to the suggested quantity. The system places the variance (remaining) quantity in the variance location.

Holding Location

Enter a code to identify the location that the system uses when you confirm a larger quantity than the suggested pick quantity during pick confirmation. You do this through Override Suggestion during pick confirmation, where you enter a quantity that is greater than the suggested quantity, and confirm with a overpick to the suggested quantity. The system places the overpick (extra) quantity in the holding location.

Base Putaway Location

Enter a code to identify the base putaway location that the system uses to calculate proximity when you specify base putaway proximity as the tiebreaker in a putaway instruction. If you use a tiebreaker that sequences locations according to base putaway proximity, the system ranks the locations based on their distance from this base putaway location. The system calculates distance based on the coordinates (longitude, latitude, and height) you defined in the location profile (P46020).

Base Picking Location

Enter a code to identify the base picking location that the system uses to calculate proximity when you specify base picking proximity as the tiebreaker in a picking (or putaway) instruction. If you use a tiebreaker that sequences locations according to base picking proximity, the system ranks the locations based on their distance from this base picking location. The system calculates distance based on the coordinates (longitude, latitude, and height) you defined in the location profile (P46020).

1 or 2 Phase Putaway

Enter a user-defined code (UDC) (H46/PT) to indicate you use 1- or 2-phase movements during putaway.

  • 1-phase movements means the process is confirmed as one step after goods have moved from the starting location to the destination location.

  • 2-phase movements means the process is confirmed in two steps: the first when the goods have moved from the starting location to the staging location, and the second when the goods have moved from the staging location to the destination location.

If you use 2-phase movements, you can specify whether the movements are logical or physical.

  • Logical 2-phase movements generate one document and does not indicate physical movement to the staging location.

  • Physical 2-phase movements generate two documents: the first indicates movement from the starting location to the staging location, and the second indicates movement from the staging location to the destination location in the Location Profile.

Values are:

Enter I: to use 1-phase movements.

Enter L: to use logical 2-phase movements.

Enter P: to use physical 2-phase movements.