Shipment Confirmation

After you finish processing a pick suggestion, you must indicate that the items have left the warehouse for shipment to the customer.

Important: You must actually ship the item and relieve the inventory when you confirm shipment to avoid balance discrepancies between system inventory records.

You must list the sales order document type (for example, SO) in the user-defined codes table 40/IU to permit the system to update the inventory records when you confirm shipment. The system then ensures that records match actual inventory movements by updating these tables:

  • F41021

  • F4602

Before you confirm shipment for a carton, you have the option of reorganizing its contents and its placement within a shipment before shipping. The Carton Reorganization program not only enables you to reorganize a carton's contents, but also enables you to create and organize new cartons.

You can use the Shipment Confirmation Carton Status and the Reconcile Carton Detail to Shipment Detail processing options on the Carton Detail tab to ensure that cartons have passed the necessary edits before you confirm shipment. Fore example, after all the labels have been assigned to the shipment, you can change the carton status to indicate that carton detail has been reconciled to shipment detail. If all cartons for the shipment are not at that status, the system cannot confirm the shipment. This process is optional, because you can leave the status blank to proceed without checking the carton status.

You can also perform this function using the batch version of Shipment Confirmation (R42500). The batch version retrieves the values from the processing options of the interactive version specified in its processing options.