Understanding Putaway Request Creation

As you receive the items on a purchase order, you can create a putaway request to generate suggestions for putaway locations and then store the items. This procedure is the most common method of creating putaway requests.

You can set the processing options in the PO Receipts program (P4312) to determine whether you:

  • Create requests only.

  • Create requests and process them through the subsystem into suggestions.

  • Do not create any requests.

If you create putaway requests only, you must create location suggestions and confirm location suggestions separately; however, you can automatically confirm location suggestions during location selection.

If you do not create putaway requests through purchase order receipts, items that you receive remain in the location where you receive them. You can then create putaway requests by reversing the receipt of the order, setting the program's processing options to create putaway requests, and receiving the order again.

During receipt of a purchase order, you can override the item's default unit of measure structure, if the item's actual unit of measure structure is different. You cannot override the item's default unit of measure structure if you are using license plates. For example, you might remove the largest unit of measure, such as a pallet, from the incoming item's unit of measure structure and use the next-largest unit of measure for putaway. You might do this to avoid occupying pallet space in the warehouse with cases. This reduces the efficient use of space. For example, if you receive a partial pallet of compact discs, you can override the pallet's unit of measure and use cases or eaches for putaway.

After you change a unit of measure structure, the system verifies:

  • The last level that you specified in the structure is the primary unit of measure.

  • The units of measure are listed in order from largest to smallest and are part of the defined UOM structure for the item.

  • The structure uses whole number conversions between units of measure.

  • Each unit of measure contains only one partial quantity for that unit.

The system overrides unit of measure structures for items with assigned serial numbers. These items are listed individually (quantity of 1) in Level 1 as the primary unit of measure.

You can also override the quantity, containers, weight, repack code, and tax code for each level of the unit of measure structure. This override alters the item characteristics and can change the location that you use for putaway.

The system displays warehouse overrides only if you activate warehouse control in Branch/Plant Constants (P41001) and license plates are not activated. After you activate warehouse control, the system inputs the receipt location (which you enter on the Branch Location Definition form) when you enter a purchase order.

Note: You can also use warehouse overrides to change an item's default unit of measure structure so that the system uses a smaller unit of measure during putaway. You cannot use warehouse overrides to specify a unit of measure if you have not defined it on the Item Unit of Measure Definition form and in the item UOM conversions.

If you use receipt routing in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system, the system can create a putaway request when you move the items to the on-hand step, which creates a receipt.

Items with assigned serial numbers are tracked individually in the primary unit of measure, and you cannot group them into greater units of measure. The system creates one putaway request for each item with a serial number.

You also can use the Manual Replenishments and Batch Putaway Request programs to create a putaway request.

See Setting Processing Options for Manual Replenishments (P46100).