Understanding Replenishment

Replenishment is the process of refilling picking locations with items. You obtain these items from a replenishment location that you have set up to refill picking locations. You can tie specific replenishment zones to specific picking locations or picking zones.

You can create a replenishment request in response to picking that depletes the items in a location. You use replenishment requests to generate suggestions for locations from which to replenish items. The system tracks the items in each location. You can find locations containing the items you must replenish and then create suggestions to replenish from those locations.

You can use the locations that the system suggests for you and then confirm movement of the items from the chosen replenishment location to the picking location.

When you select to replenish to random picking locations, you group the locations to which you want to replenish items to maximize the efficiency of the replenishment process. When you replenish to fixed locations, you replenish to only one location at a time. When you replenish to random locations, you can replenish items in multiple locations when you run the Replenishment to Random Locations program (R461602).

If the branch/plant has license plate functionality activated, the system enables you to select the license plate record with the location. You can create putaway or replenishment requests for items and license plates.

See Supply Management Software Updates