Warehouse Movement Confirmations During Inventory Costing by Lot/Location (Cost Level 3) (Release 9.2 Update)

When you confirm any of the put, pick, or replenishment warehouse movement suggestions interactively or by batch, the inventory moves from one lot/location to another. If the item’s inventory cost level is set to value 3 (Item/Branch/Location/Lot Level), the system records the updated cost of the item in each lot/location individually when you confirm the movement.

Based on the inventory cost level and the cost method specified for the item, the Warehouse Movement Confirmations program (P4617) updates the item cost in these tables by location/lot:

  • Item Ledger File (F4111)
  • Item Cost File (F4105)
  • Account Ledger File (F0911)

The pick movement confirmation process also updates the Sales Order Detail File (F4211) with the Unit Cost, Extended Cost, and Cost Override values. The SO Detail Ledger File (F42199) table is updated with a new record of the inventory transfer.