Category Codes (00/W2 - 00/W0)

Use category codes 02–10 to customize and further define the work orders. (Category code 10 is UDC table 00/W0.) Category codes 02–10 have no predefined values; they can represent any category or description by which you want to group work orders. For example, you can set up a category code to represent types of problems that you encounter in the work order process, such as improper installation or design flaws. Another code might represent locations where work is taking place.

The system displays the first ten category codes in the Planning Workbench program. You can set up these codes to help you limit the search for work orders.

For example, you can set up category code 2 as a work order failure code to indicate reasons for equipment failure. You can then set up codes to indicate equipment failure due to:

  • Operator error.

  • Design flaw.

  • Lubrication or cooling problem.