Creating Project Work Orders

Access the Enter Work Orders form.

After you complete the fields and then click OK, the system creates the project for the work orders that you entered.

To locate and revise any of the unique information for project work orders, select Project Setup from the menu again, and then, on Project Setup, click Find. You can revise any fields that must contain unique information (rather than default information from the parent work order). You can also enter any additional information, such as category codes and record types, to the work order.

Job or BU (job or business unit)

Enter a value that identifies a separate entity within a business for which you want to track costs. For example, a business unit might be a job, project, work center, or branch/plant.

Business unit security can prevent you from locating business units for which you have no authority.


Enter a user-defined name or remark.


Enter the estimated hours that are budgeted for this work order.