Defining Work Order Default Managers and Supervisors

Access the Default Supervisor and Manager form.

Note: To set up the default information, you must complete at least one user-defined code field and either or both fields associated with a supervisor or a manager.

Enter a user-defined code (00/W1) that indicates the current stage or phase of development for a work order. You can assign a work order to only one phase code at a time.

Note: Certain forms contain a processing option that allows you to enter a default value for this field. If you enter a default value on a form for which you have set this processing option, the system displays the value in the appropriate fields on any work orders that you create. The system also displays the value on the Project Setup form. You can either accept or override the default value.

Enter a user-defined code (00/W3) that indicates the type or category of the work order.

Note: A processing option for some forms allows you to enter a default value for this field. The system enters the default value automatically in the appropriate fields on any work orders that you create on those forms and on the Project Setup form. You can either accept or override the default value.

Enter a user-defined code (00/W2) that indicates the type or category of a work order.

Note: A processing option for some forms allows you to enter a default value for this field. The system enters the default value automatically in the appropriate fields on any work orders that you create on those forms and on the Project Setup form. You can either accept or override the default value.

Enter the address book number of the supervisor.

For some programs, you can use a processing option to specify a default value for this field based on values for category codes (phases) 1, 2 and 3. You can set up the default values in the Work with Work Order Default Codes program (P48001). The system automatically displays the information that you specify on all work orders that you create, provided that you meet the category code criterion. You can override the default value.


Enter the address book number of a manager or planner.

Note: A processing option for some forms allows you to enter a default value for this field based on values for category codes 1 (Phase), 2, and 3. You set up the default values on the Default Managers and Supervisors form. After you set up the default values and the processing option, the default information displays automatically on any work orders that you create if the category code criterion is met. You can either accept or override the default value.