Adding Additional Line Information

Access the Edit Additional Line Information form.

Quantity Required

This field is selected if you have entered a quantity for the line. If you have entered a service line, for which no quantity is required, the system clears this field.

Bid Required On Line

Select this option to indicate that for this line, bidders are required to enter a bid. The system does not enable this option if you have already selected the Bid Required option on the Properties tab on the Add/Edit Event form.

Requested Line Quantity Required On Line

Select this option to indicate that for this line, the quantity that the bidder enters must match the line quantity. The system does not enable this option if you have already selected this option on the Properties tab on the Add/Edit Event form.

Quantity/UOM(quantity/unit of measure)

Specify the quantity and the corresponding unit of measure for the item.

Minimum Quantity

Specify a minimum quantity that the bidder can enter for his or her response. The system enables this field only when you do not select the Requested Line Quantity Required On Line option.

Maximum Quantity

Specify a maximum quantity that the bidder can enter for his or her response. The system enables this field only when you do not select the Requested Line Quantity Required On Line option.

Detail Business Unit

Use this field if the business unit for which this item is tracked is different from the business unit for the event.

Commodity Code

Enter a commodity code for the item.