Forms Used to Manage User Profiles

Form Name




View Company Users


Click the Manage User Profiles link on the Sourcing Bidder Portal.

Locate user IDs to revise. This form is accessible only to suppliers

User Profile and Preferences


Click Add or Edit on the View Company Users form.

Add user profiles or edit existing user profiles. This form is accessible only to suppliers.

Manage Users Role Relationships


Click the Search button in the Role field on the User Profile and Preferences form.

Add or edit roles for users. This form is accessible only to suppliers.

Administrative Password Revisions


Suppliers: Click the Revise Password on the View Company Users form.

Bidders: Click the Change Password link on the Sourcing Bidder Portal.

Revise passwords.

Role Search and Select


Click the Search button in the Assigned Role field on the User Profile and Preferences form.

Select a role for the user profile.

Delete Confirmation


Click Delete on the View Company Users form

Click OK to confirm that you want to delete the user profile.