Inviting Bidders

Access the Search and Select Bidders form.

  1. To filter your search for bidders, complete one or more of the following fields:

    • Search Type

    • Address Number

    • Alpha Name

  2. To sort bidders, select a value in the Sort By field, and then click either the Ascending or Descending option.

  3. Click Find.

    The system displays the applicable bidders on the Available Bidders form.

  4. Choose the bidders that you want to participate in the event by selecting one or more bidders, and then click the Select Bidders button.

    The system displays the bidders that you selected in the Selected Bidders subform.

    Note: You can select only bidders that have a primary contact set up in the Who's Who program (P0111), with the same contact type that is specified in the Sourcing Constants program (P43Q90). The primary contact must also have a preferred contact method. If the bidder does not have the correct contact information set up, you can add it by clicking the link for the supplier or bidder's address book number.

    See Setting Up System Constants.

  5. To add bidders that do not already exist in your system, click the Add Adhoc Bidder button.

    See Adding Ad Hoc Bidders.

  6. Click the Review Contacts button to review and, if necessary, change contacts for the bidder.

  7. Click the Remove Bidder From List button to remove bidders.

  8. Click Close to save the list of bidders that you want to participate in the event.