Posting an Award

Access the Analyze Event form.

Click the Bidder Award link.

  1. In the Bidder Award - Bidder Selection subform, choose the supplier for which you want to post an award and click Select Bidder.

    The system displays the Bidder Award - Bidder Selection subform.

  2. In the Bidder Award - Post Award subform, review the information and, if necessary, change any of the following fields:

    • Buyer

    • PO Business Unit

    • Award Currency

    • Freight Handling Code

  3. Select one or more of these options, which determine the information that bidders can view in the Bid History program (P43Q41):

    • Display Award Details

    • Display All Bids

    • Display Bid Scores

    • Display Total Bid Price

    • Display Bid Questions

  4. Click Post Award.

    The system creates a purchase order or blanket order, depending on the properties of the event, and then populates the Award Document field with the document number.

  5. Click Complete to advance the status of the event to Awarded.