Sourcing Messages
You must enter a valid print message from UDC table 40/PM for each type of event message. You can send the print message using email, fax, or a printed document.
- Event Invite Send Message
Specify the print message for the system to send to bidders when inviting them to an event.
- Event Cancel Send Message
Specify the print message containing the text that is sent to bidders when a buyer cancels an event.
- Event Pause Send Message
Specify the print message containing the text that is sent to bidders when a buyer pauses an event.
- Event Resume Send Message
Specify the print message containing the text that is sent to bidders when a buyer resumes an event.
- Event End Send Message
Specify the print message containing the text that is sent to bidders when a buyer ends an event before the original end date.
- Event Extend Message
Specify the print message containing the text that is sent to bidders when you extend the end date of an event.
- Event Award Send Message
Specify the print message containing the text that is sent to bidders when they are awarded an event or event lines.
- Unsuccessful Bid Send Message
Specify the print message containing the text that is sent to bidders when they are not awarded an event or event lines.
- Password Send Message
Specify the print message containing the text that is sent bidders with their passwords.
- Invite Terms and Conditions
Specify the print message containing the terms and conditions that bidders must agree to accept before they can respond to an event.
- Bidder URL
Enter the URL that bidders use to access the Bidder Workbench to respond to sourcing events.