UDCs That Are Required for Setting Up Constants
When you set up the system constants using the Sourcing Constants program (P43Q90), the system requires you to choose certain default values from UDC tables. Therefore, you must set up these UDCs before setting up the constants:
UDC table 01/CT contains valid contact types for contacts that you set up for your suppliers and bidders using the Address Book Revision program (P01012). You must set up a contact type that is specifically for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Operational Sourcing so that you can specify which of the contacts for the supplier or bidder is the sourcing contact. An example of a sourcing contact type is SRM: Sourcing primary contact.
UDC table 00/DT contains valid document types for various documents in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. You must set up document types for the following sourcing documents:
Request for information (RFI).
Request for quote (RFx).
UDC table 40/PM contains codes and descriptions for print messages that the system sends to bidders and suppliers to notify them during the various stages of the sourcing process. When you set up the constants for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Operational Sourcing, you must enter the code for each of the print messages. The system provides UDC values and descriptions for all 10 messages, but you can change the values and descriptions to meet your business needs. The system provides these UDC values:
BIDT&C: Bidder terms and conditions
AWARDCONF: Award confirmation
CANCELEVT: Cancel event
ENDEVENT: End event
EXTENDEVT: Extend event
INVBIDDER: Invite bidder
INVPASSWRD: Invite password
NOTAWARDED: Bid unsuccessful
PAUSEEVT: Pause event
RESUMEEVT: Resume event
In addition to setting up the UDC codes for print messages, you must also enter the text that the system sends. You use the Print Message Revisions program (P40162) in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system to set up the message text.