Attaching Price Discount Rules to Items and Suppliers

You can create an inventory price rule to apply a discount to the unit cost of an item. After you create a price rule, you must attach it to the items to which it applies and the suppliers from whom you purchase the items. The system discounts the unit cost of an item when you enter a purchase order.

After you create an inventory price rule, you can attach it to branch/plant information for an item or you can attach it to a purchase order detail line. If a price rule is standard for an item, you probably want to attach the rule to branch/plant information. If the price rule varies for an item, you can enter a different price rule each time you enter a purchase order.

If you attach a price rule to an item, you must also attach the price rule to the supplier from whom you purchase the item. Before you attach a price rule to a supplier, you can review any price levels that currently apply to a supplier on Work With Pricing Rules. For example, you might have attached a price rule in the item branch/plant information that you entered.

Before you attach a new price rule to a supplier, you might want to remove the existing price rule by selecting Remove Level from the Row menu on the Customer Pricing Rules form.

You can use one of two methods to attach price rules to a supplier:

  • Attach price rules to a certain supplier.

  • Attach price rules to a supplier price group and then attach the price group to a supplier.

If the same price rules apply to multiple suppliers, you can save time by attaching price rules to a price group and then attaching the price group to the suppliers. If price rules vary among suppliers, you might want to attach individual price rules to each supplier.