Creating Price Discount Rules for Purchasing

Access the Inventory Pricing Rules form.

Pricing Rule

Enter a value from the Item Price Groups (40/PI) UDC that the system uses to classify inventory by pricing rules.

Typically, these categories correspond to the major sections in the inventory price book. You can set up as many detail categories as you need. A single code can be used for sales, purchasing, order/basket, and contract pricing. If you set up a contract rule, it must equal the short number for the item under contract.

Price Method

Enter a value from the (42/CT) UDC that indicates the basis for the price rule. You must enter P for purchase order discounts.

Contract Pricing

Enter a value from the Pricing Type (42/PT) UDC to specify a special pricing relationship between the item and one or more of the customers. The inventory pricing rule code for a contract is the item number. Values are:

Blank: No contract.

C: Indicates contract price.

If you indicate that a pricing type is a contract, you must enter the quantity that can be sold at this contract price and the contract number, if one exists. You must also attach the contract pricing rule to the customer or customer group for the rule to become effective.


Enter an alphanumeric code that determines the sequence in which the system displays the rules within the pricing group. You define levels when you set up the pricing groups.

You must enter a value in the Level field for each discount that is applicable to the rule.

Up To Quantity

Enter the volume or quantity breaks commonly used in pricing tables. If the quantity on the first level of a rule is 5, then the pricing logic on this level applies only to sales of 5 or fewer items. If the quantity in the next level is 10, then the pricing logic applies to sales of 6 through 10 items. 99,999,999 indicates all quantities.


Enter a value from the Cost/Price Basis (H42/CB) UDC. The system uses the value that you enter to determine the order's net price.

For pricing and repricing, values are:

1: Last-in cost

5: Future cost

P: Unit price

2: Average cost

6: Lot cost

3: Memo cost 1

7: Standard cost

4: Current cost

In sales order repricing, the system bases all reprice calculations on either the unit cost or price in the sales detail. Enter P if you want the system to use unit price in the sales order as the basis for reprice calculations.

Otherwise, enter a value between 1 and 8 to use the unit cost in the sales detail as the base on value for all reprice calculations.

Factor Value

Enter the discount that the system uses when it calculates the price of an item attached to this inventory pricing rule. Discounts can be expressed as multipliers, additional amounts, or deductible amounts. For example, a 10 percent discount would be expressed as 0.90. You can use the same factor for markups over cost. For example, a 10 percent markup would be expressed as 1.10.


Enter a value from the FVTY (H00/FV) UDC that indicates whether the factor value is a multiplier (percentage) or an additional/deductible cash amount (USD) when applied to the price of an order.

Override Price

Enter a price that overrides all other rules or prices.