
These processing options specify default information that the system uses for purchase order processing.

Item Master Creation Processing

Specify whether the system enables the creation of an item master record, and whether a warning message is displayed. Values are:

Blank: The system does not enable the creation of a record.

1: The system creates a record and issues a warning.

2: The system creates a record with no errors or warnings.

Stocking Type

Specify a value from the Stocking Type Code (41/I) UDC to specify the default type of stock. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses a value of N (nonstock).

Line Type Default (Required)

Specify a value that exists in the Line Type Control Constants File table (F40205). The system uses the value that you enter as the default value. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses a line type of B.

G/L Class Code (Required) (general ledger class code)

Specify a value that exists in the G/L Posting Category (41/9) UDC to specify the default value for the posting category code. You must complete this processing option.