Formal Receiving Process

A formal receiving process is one in which you enter details of a receipt before you create vouchers. You create vouchers based on the receipt information. For example, if you enter a receipt for 50 pens, you must create a voucher for 50 pens.

To accurately account for the receipt of goods, the formal receiving process is likely to include:

  • Taking physical receipt of items.

  • Identifying details of the receipt.

  • Recording details of the receipt.

You can use purchase receivers in the formal receipt process to manually record the receipt of goods upon delivery. You can then enter that information into the system.

You can eliminate the use of purchase receivers if you use terminals to enter receipt information upon delivery or if you use copies of original purchase orders as receiving forms.

When you use a formal receiving process, the system creates a receipt record in the F43121 table after you enter a receipt. The system also creates a liability for the purchase at that time. When you create a voucher, the system creates another record in the F43121 table.