Forms Used to Work with Special Order-Entry Features

Form Name

Form ID



Work With Order Headers


Purchase Order Processing (G43A11), Enter Purchase Orders

Work with order headers.

Order Detail


Select an order on the Work With Order Headers form, and then click the Copy button.

Review and modify order details. Duplicate an order.

Purchase Order Workbench


Purchase Order Processing (G43A11), Purchase Order Workbench

Access forms to work with purchase orders.

Supplier Price Comparison


On Purchase Order Workbench, select Price Comparison from the Form menu.

Locate suppliers for an item to compare prices.

Supplier Catalog Search & Select


On Purchase Order Workbench, select Catalogs from the Form menu.

Access a list of available catalogs.

Catalogs - Item Selection


Select a catalog on the Supplier Catalog Search & Select form, and click the Select button.

View items on separate detail lines on a purchase order. Click OK for the system to automatically generate a separate purchase order for each supplier from whom you are ordering items. If you do not want the system to automatically generate separate purchase orders, you must first cancel the orders before exiting Purchase Order Workbench.

Work With Available Order Templates


On the Purchase Order Workbench form, select Order Templates from the Form menu.

Work with available order templates.

Order Templates


Select a template on the Work With Available Order Templates form, and click the Select button.

Order items on a template. You can order all items on the template in their usual quantities by selecting Preload With Usual from the Form menu.

Suppliers Selected for Order


On the Purchase Order Workbench form, select Review Order(s) from the Form menu.

Verify that all releases are combined into a separate line for each supplier and branch/plant.

Items Selected for Order


On the Suppliers Selected for Order form, select an order and select Details from the Row menu.

Make changes to information about the individual items or accounts to be included on the order.