Item Entry

You must enter the items for which you want to receive price quotes on a quote order. For each item, you must enter a detail line just as you would on an order.

You can request a price quote for a single quantity or for multiple quantities of an item. You can enter multiple quantities for items for which you expect to receive a price break for purchasing larger quantities. When the quote contains multiple lines, a quote response can be requested for the entire order or for individual line items.

You also might want to obtain price quotes after you get approval for the items and services on a requisition. You can create quote orders using detail lines from requisitions. The procedure for this is identical to that for creating orders from requisitions. On the Order Detail form, you can use the Original Orders function to review:

  • A list of all requisitions from which the line was created.

  • Who requested the items.

  • The quantities requested.

The system maintains the requisition information to create the detail lines on quote orders in the F4332 table.