Matrix Item

Products often have a number of variations, though they share the same basic properties. Thus, products such as bottled water and T-shirts can be matrix items, which consist of a parent item and child items. You must enter a parent item in the Item Master program (P4101) to create all of the variations (child items) of the parent item. You enter a parent item just as you would any other item in the inventory, except that you specify a template and indicate that the item is matrix-controlled or not matrix-controlled. The system uses this information to display forms that enable you to add all variations of the parent item.

The Matrix Order Entry program (P41902) enables you to create purchase orders for matrix items. You also can access existing purchase orders to order quantities of a matrix item. When you enter a purchase order, you can access the Matrix Order Entry program.

See "Working with Matrix and Parent Items" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide.