
These processing options enable to you enter the types of information that the system prints on the Purchase Receiver Print report (R43510).

1. Enter a '1' to inhibit printing of Cost Information

Specify whether the system prints cost information.

2. Enter a '1' to inhibit printing of Quantity Information

Specify whether the system prints quantity information.

3. Enter a '1' to print the Supplier Item Number

Specify whether the system prints the supplier item number.

Note: If the supplier item number is not defined, the system prints the primary item number.
4. Enter the type of Cross Reference Number

Specify a code from UDC table 41/DT that identifies the type of cross-reference that is set up for this customer.

5. Enter a '1' to print associated text

Specify whether the system prints associated text.

6. Enter a '1' to print routing operation codes

Specify whether the system prints routing operation codes.

7. Enter a '1' to print multiple accounts information

Specify whether the system prints information about multiple accounts.