Printing Voucher Information by Detail Line

Select Purchasing Reports (G43A111), Vouchered/Received Status.

You can review voucher information by purchase order detail line. For example, if you entered a purchase order containing a detail line for 100 widgets, you can produce a report that identifies:

  • The quantity and amount received to date.

  • The received quantity and amount for which a voucher has been created.

  • The received quantity and amount for which a voucher has not been created.

You can specify the branch/plant, supplier, and purchase order number for the detail lines that print. You might use this report to determine the total amount open to voucher for a supplier or branch/plant.

When you run the Received/Vouchered Status report, the system organizes detail lines by branch/plant or business unit, depending on whether you use an inventory or non-inventory environment.