
These processing options enable you to restrict changes to vouchers when you use Supplier Ledger Inquiry and specify whether suppliers can view vouchers and payments.

1. Voucher Entry Mode

Specify whether the system allows changes to vouchers after you select them from the Supplier Ledger Inquiry form. If you leave this field blank, the system allows you to make changes to existing vouchers that you select from the Supplier Ledger Inquiry form. If you enter 1 in this field, the system restricts you to inquiries of existing vouchers that you select from the Supplier Ledger Inquiry form. Values are:

Blank: Allow changes to the selected voucher.

1: Do not allow changes to the selected voucher.

2. Supplier Self Service Mode

Specify whether to activate the Supplier Self-Service function for use in Java/HTML. The Self-Service function allows suppliers to view their own vouchers and payments. Values are:

Blank: Do not activate Supplier Self-Service function.

1: Activate Supplier Self-Service function.