
These processing options specify information such as whether the system checks the tolerance percentage of orders and how the system consolidates lines when releasing multiple orders and lines.

1. Tolerance Checking

Specify whether the system checks to determine whether the quantity and amount of a detail line exceed the tolerance percentage or amount. To check the tolerance value, access the Tolerance Setup program (P4322). Values are:

Blank: Do not perform tolerance checking.

1: The system performs tolerance checking and displays a warning message if the amount is above the tolerance level.

2: The system performs tolerance checking and does not allow release of the purchase order if the amount is above the tolerance level.

2. Item Consolidation

Specify whether to consolidate lines when releasing multiple orders and lines. Values are:

Blank: Do not consolidate items.

1: Consolidate lines by supplier, item, account, branch/plant, unit of measure, and requested date.

2: Consolidate lines by supplier, item, account, branch/plant, unit of measure, requested date, and unit cost.

For example, when you use a processing option value of 1 or 2, and you release two lines with the same supplier, item, branch/plant, unit of measure, and requested date, each for a quantity of 10, then the system creates one line with a quantity of 20 on the new order.

3. Unit Cost Retrieval Upon Supplier Change

Specify whether to retrieve the cost from the original order or from the unit cost based upon when the supplier is changed on the Order Release form. Values are:

Blank: Retrieve the cost from the original order.

1: Retrieve the cost from the unit cost upon which it is based.

4. Override Transaction UOM (override transaction unit of measure)

Specify whether the system overrides the unit of measure (UOM) in the original order. Values are:

Blank: Maintain the UOM in the original order. The purchase order generated has the same UOM as the original order.

1: Override the UOM based on the setting in the Unit of Measure processing option on the Defaults tab of the Purchase Orders program (P4310). The UOMs in blanket orders are converted to the UOM set in the Unit of Measure processing option in the Purchase Orders program.