
These processing options specify how the system processes information.

1. Commitment Variance Display

Specify whether to print only accounts with commitment variances. If you leave this processing option blank, then the system prints all accounts with and without variances. Values are:

Blank: Print all accounts with and without commitment variances.

1: Print all accounts with commitment variances.

2. Process Mode

Specify whether to run the program in proof or final mode. In proof mode, the system compares the Purchase Order Detail File table (F4311) to the P.O. Detail Ledger File - Flexible Version table (F43199) to date, and also compares the F43199 table to the Account Balances table (F0902), based on the Effective Date processing option. In final mode, the system displays these comparisons and writes temporary records to the F43199 and F0902 tables to remove the variances. You should run the purge, rebuild, and repost programs to bring all records into balance. Values are:

Blank: Proof mode

1: Final mode

3. Enter a '1' to display Manufacturing Encumbrances

Specify whether the system processes financial encumbrances that are associated with manufacturing work orders. Values are:

Blank: The system processes only financial encumbrances that are related to purchase orders and subcontracts.

1: The system processes financial encumbrances that are related to purchase orders, subcontracts, and manufacturing work orders.

4. Threshold Amount for Variance (Release 9.2 Update)

Specify the threshold amount for variance. The records with a variance amount above the given threshold amount will be printed.

Enter a positive, non-zero threshold amount for variance. The absolute value is taken as the variance limit. For example, if 0.01 is entered, records with a variance range from -0.01 to 0.01 will not be printed.

The Threshold Amount for Variance processing option works based on the value entered in the Commitment Variance Display processing option.

If Commitment Variance Display is blank and Threshold Amount for Variance is blank, then all the accounts with and without variances are printed. For accounts with variance, all penny variances are printed.

If Commitment Variance Display is blank and Threshold Amount for Variance has a value, for example 0.01, then accounts with a variance above the entered threshold value of 0.01 are printed and accounts without a variance are also printed.

If Commitment Variance Display has the value 1 and Threshold Amount for Variance is blank, then all the accounts with a variance are printed.

If Commitment Variance Display has the value 1 and Threshold Amount for Variance has another value, for example 0.01, then accounts with a variance above the entered threshold value of 0.01 are printed.