
These processing options specify how the system displays information in the Check Price and Availability program (P4074).

1. Enter the version of Sales Order Entry (P4210)

Use this processing option to specify the version of Sales Order Entry (P4210) to use to generate prices. The specified version will control the Preference Processing. If you leave this option blank, the system uses the ZJDE0001 version.

2. Allow price history of a receipt line with associated landed cost, to be updated.

Use this option to specify whether to allow update of price history entries for receipts when the receipt has associated landed cost entries. You must use this option when price history entries for receipts are updated from the Price Review application (P40G200). Values are:

0: Allow an update.

2: Do not allow an update.

3. Check price

Use this processing option to display the price of an item after applying the price adjustment. Valid values are:

Blank: The system displays the price of an item after applying the sales adjustment.

1: The system displays the price of an item after applying the purchase adjustment.

Note: You must use this processing option only while using the standalone Check Price and Availability for Procurement application.
4. Enter the version of Purchase Order Entry (P4310)

Use this processing option to define the version of Purchase Order Entry (P4310).

Note: You must use this option only when the Check price processing option is enabled for Procurement.