Receiving Matrix Items

When matrix child items are received, the tolerance must be calculated and any applicable warnings issued. To receive matrix child items:

  1. Set the Inventory Parent processing option on the Matrix tab of the Purchase Orders program (P4310) to 1 so that the matrix parent does not expand.

  2. Enter a purchase order for a matrix parent item.

  3. Set the Quantity and Amount processing option on the Tolerance tab of the PO Receipts program (P4312) to 2 to display an error message when the order is out of tolerance.

  4. Access the PO Receipts program and select the purchase order that is entered for the matrix parent item.

  5. Select Matrix Orders from the Row menu and select matrix child items by entering quantities.

    Matrix parent item quantity is displayed in the Control Quantity field. If you entered more quantity for the matrix child items than for the matrix parent item, the system displays a warning.

  6. Process through the warning message, and the selected matrix child items are added to the purchase order receipt.

  7. Click OK to receive the items.

See Understanding Pricing in Procurement.