Report Display

These processing options enable you to select the information that the system includes in the report, such as quantities and amounts, exchange rates, global messages, and notes.

1. Quantity & Amount Display

Specify whether the system prints the original quantity and amount or the open quantity and amount. Values are:

Blank: Print original quantity and amount.

1: Print open quantity and amount.

2. Exchange Rate Display

Specify whether the system prints the exchange rate. Values are:

Blank: Do not print the exchange rate.

1: Print the exchange rate.

3. Global Message to be printed

Specify the text messages that you want the system to print on each order. Examples of text messages are engineering specifications, hours of operation during holiday periods, and special delivery instructions.

Text messages are UDCs that are set up in 40/PM.

4. Purchase Order Note Display

Specify whether the system prints the purchase order note. Examples of notes are the name of the individual who placed the order, the buyer responsible for procuring the items and services on the order, the company responsible for delivering the order, confirmation numbers and job numbers. Values are:

Blank: Do not print the purchase order note.

1: Print the purchase order note.

5. Report Heading Display

Specify whether to suppress the printing of the report title and company name when you use preprinted forms. Values are:

Blank: Print the default report title and company name.

1: Do not print the report title and company name.

6. Purchasing Agent Name Display

Specify whether the system prints the purchasing agent on the purchase order. Values are:

Blank: Do not print the purchasing agent name on the purchase order.

1: Print the purchasing agent name on the purchase order.

7. Additional Properties Display

Specify whether the system prints the user-defined field values from the Additional Properties tab. Values are:

Blank: Do not print the additional properties.

1: Print the additional properties.

8. Category Code Display

Specify whether the system prints the user-defined field values from the Category Codes tab. Values are:

Blank: Do not print the category codes.

1: Print the category codes.

9. Purchase Order Clauses

Specify whether the system prints purchase order clauses. Values are:

Blank: Do not print purchase order clauses.

1: Print purchase order clauses.

10. Vendor Type Classification

Specify whether the system prints the vendor type classification. These are the supplier classification codes from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system that appear on the purchase order and voucher. Values are:

Blank: Do not print the vendor type classification.

1: Print the vendor type classification.