Reviewing Supplier Delivery Performance

Access the Delivery Analysis form.

Quantity On-time

Enter the number of items that you received on time from this supplier during the fiscal period. To determine whether a receipt is on time, the system compares the receipt date to the promised date. If it finds a difference between the two, it uses the number of days allowed early or late to determine whether the receipt is on time. You set up the number of days that you consider to be an acceptable time window for delivery performance (days allowed early or late) on the Supplier/Item Relationship form.

For example, suppose that you have an order set up in the following way:

  • Promised Date - December 5.

  • Receipt Date - December 7.

  • Days Allowed Late - 3 days.

The order is late if received three days after December 5, or after December 8.

Because you received this order on December 7, the order is on time.