Reviewing Supplier Quality Performance

Before you order an item from a supplier, you might determine whether the supplier has a history of delivering the item in good condition. You can review the percentage of acceptable items from a supplier in each fiscal period (usually a month) to determine whether the supplier is likely to provide acceptable items in the future.

You can review the quantity of an item that was acceptable in each fiscal period, as well as the percentage. For example, you can review that you acquired 100 bicycles in June from AAA Bicycle Company, of which 95 were acceptable and 5 were unacceptable.

You can also review the acceptable quantity for each receipt that you entered in a fiscal period. For example, you might have entered five receipts of 20 bicycles to acquire 100 bicycles in June. You can review acceptable and unacceptable quantities for each of the five receipts.

The system can track item acceptability only for those items that are processed through a receipt route.