Setting Processing Options for Supplier Catalog Mass Update (R41061M)

Processing option enable you to specify the default processing option for programs and reports.


These processing options specify whether to update the Effective From, Effective Thru, and Unit Price values for the records in the Supplier Price/Catalog File table (F41061).

1. Mode

Specify whether the system runs the program in proof or final mode. In proof mode, the system generates a report but does not update any record in the Supplier Price/Catalog File table (F41061). In final mode, the system generates a report and updates the F41061 table based on the information that you provide. Values are:

Blank: Proof mode

1 : Final mode

2. Date Effective From

Specify the dates that the system uses for updating the supplier catalog records. If you provide the Effective From date, the system updates the Effective From date in the F41061 table for the selected records. If you leave the processing option blank, the system uses the existing Effective From date.

3. Date Effective Thru

Specify the dates that the system uses for updating the supplier catalog records. If you provide the Effective Thru date, the system updates the Effective Thru date in the F41061 table for the selected records. If you leave the processing option blank, the system uses the existing Effective Thru date.

4. Update Unit Price

Specify whether the system updates the unit price in the F4106 table. Values are:

Blank: The system does not update the unit price in the F41061 table.

1: The system updates the unit price in the F41061 table.


These processing options specify the type and the factor of price adjustment.

1. Price Adjustment Type

Specify the type of adjustment the system makes to the F4106 table. Values are:

A: Adjust the price by amount.

%: Adjust the price by percentage.

*: Override the price and use a revised price.

2. Amount

Specify an amount or a percentage for the system to calculate the price. Use this processing option with the Price Adjustment Type processing option.

For example:

If you enter A as the value for Price Adjustment Type, you can enter the Amount value as 10 to increase the price by 10 or as -10 to decrease the price by 10.

If you enter % as the value for Price Adjustment Type, you can enter the Amount value as 10 to increase the price by 10 percent or as -10 to decrease the price by 10 percent.

If you enter * as the value for Price Adjustment Type, you can enter the Amount value as 10 to override the existing price to 10.

Flat File

Specify the name of the flat file. The name includes the path of the directory where the flat file exists. The flat file must be CSV file format.