Setting Up Rounding Tolerance Rules for Voucher Match Automation

Access the Rounding Tolerance Rules Revision form.


Enter the company for which you set up the rounding tolerance. You must specify a company.


Enter the supplier for which you set up the rounding tolerance. This field is optional.

Positive Amount

Enter the positive tolerance amount. The amount that you enter must be a value between and including 0.01 to 0.99.

Negative Amount

Enter the negative tolerance amount. The amount you enter must be between and including -0.01 to -0.99.

Zero Tolerance

Select this option to prevent rounding tolerance. You can select the Zero Tolerance option for negative tolerance, positive tolerance, or for both negative and positive tolerance.

Note: When you select the Zero Tolerance option for positive tolerance, the system populates the amount field with 999,999,999,999.00. When you select the Zero Tolerance option for negative tolerance, the system populates the amount field with 999,999,999,999.00-.