Supplier Catalogs

Suppliers might organize their products into different catalogs due to seasonal changes in products, different product lines, and so forth. If you maintain items in catalogs on the system, you can use the catalogs to locate and select items to order.

After you locate a catalog, you can select the items that you want to order. The system enters each item that you select on an order detail line, along with the unit price for the item as specified in the catalog. If the supplier has an internet home page set up with items that it offers, you can preview item information in the electronic catalog. On the Catalogs - Item Selection form, you can use a form exit to preview item information.

Note that an item can have different prices, each based on the amount that you purchase. You can review all item prices for the items in a catalog on the Catalogs - Item Selection form. An item that has multiple prices appears several times, and each listing represents a different purchase quantity and the price that applies to that quantity.