Supplier Information

You might have different arrangements with each of the suppliers in regard to terms of payment, freight handling, invoice methods, and so forth. When you enter order header information, you must specify the supplier from whom you are requesting the order and any specific arrangements to which you and the supplier have agreed.

You can set up procurement instructions to specify the arrangements that you have with each of the suppliers. When you enter a supplier on an order, the system retrieves the instructions for that supplier. You can modify the instructions to suit a specific order.

To enter a supplier for an order, the supplier must exist in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system. If this is not the case, you can enter the supplier in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system when you enter order header information. You can also enter master information for the supplier if the information does not already exist.

If you have set up purchasing instructions for a supplier, the system supplies default values for several of the fields on the Order Header form, based on the supplier you enter for the order. Additionally, you can access the Work With Supplier Master form through the Supplier Master form exit on the Order Header form.

You can enter a temporary address for the supplier by accessing the Order Address Information form.