Tables Used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management

This table lists the tables that are used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management. They are listed in alphanumeric order by table number.



Address Book Master (F0101)

Stores names, address numbers, search types, and address-book category-code information for an individual or company that is assigned an address book number.

Supplier Master (F0401)

Stores supplier-specific information.

Distribution/Manufacturing Constants (F4009)

Stores information that specifies whether the item unit-of-measure conversions are unique for each item or applicable to each item in the warehouse.

Order Templates (F4015)

Stores information about order templates.

Print Messages (F4016)

Stores predefined messages that print on documents such as sales orders and purchase orders.

Order Activity Rules (F40203)

Stores information about order activity rules, such as order type, line type, last status, and next status.

Distribution/Manufacturing - AAI Record Type (F4090)

Stores record types for automatic accounting instructions (AAIs).

Distribution/Manufacturing - AAI Values (F4095)

Stores AAI information, such as AAI table number, company, document type, G/L category code, and cost type.

Item Master (F4101)

Stores basic information about each item, such as item number, description, search keys, category codes, and default units of measure.

Item Location File (F41021)

Stores each item's quantity information, general ledger class, and lot status in each location.

Item Cost File (F4105)

Stores inventory cost records.

Supplier Price/Catalog File (F41061)

Stores unit cost for an item based on branch/plant and supplier.

Held Orders (F4209)

Stores historical information about order approvals.

Procurement Self-Service Transaction Log (F43001)

Stores Procurement self-service transaction log information.

Approval Levels (F43008)

Stores information about approval levels.

Purchase Order Header (F4301)

Stores header information for the purchase order. Also stores the supplier classification codes from the address book.

PO Header Work File (F4301Z)

Stores header information for the purchase order in a temporary work file. Also stores the supplier classification codes from the address book.

Purchase Order Header Unedited Transaction Table (F4301Z1)

Stores purchase-order header information for Procurement outbound interoperability. This includes the supplier classification codes from the address book and the user-defined fields. The records for the F4320 table are not written to any Z file.

Log Master (F4303)

Stores information for logs, such as job number, change request number, log type, log number, status, submittals, transmittals, and dates.

Log Models (F4303M)

Stores information for model logs.

Log Hierarchy Constants (F4304)

Stores log hierarchy levels.

Log Master (F4305)

Stores information for logs at five levels, such as contract level logs, company level logs, subcontractor level logs, project level logs, and job level logs.

Approvals Fields Constants (F43080)

Stores information about the fields that are activated and deactivated for reapproval processing.

Supplier/Item Relationships (F43090)

Stores information for item and supplier relationships, such as status of the relationship, receipt route for the relationship, and price of the item.

Receipt Routing Master File (F43091)

Stores information about the operations that move quantity to inventory.

Purchase Order Receipt Routing File (F43092)

Stores information for receipt routings.

Receipt Routing Work File (F43092Z)

Stores information for receipt routings in a temporary work file.

Receipt Routing Unedited Transaction Table (F43092Z1)

Stores receipt routing information for Procurement outbound interoperability.

Inspection/Sample Size Table (F43093)

Stores test result information.

Supplier Item Additional Routes (F43094)

Stores routing information for supplier items.

Receipt Routing Ledger File (F43099)

Stores receipt routing ledger information.

Supplier and Branch Plant Relationship (F43100)

Stores information about supplier and branch/plant relationships.

Purchase Order Detail File (F4311)

Stores the detail information for the purchase order. This includes the category codes 01 through 04 fields. The Job Typ field for advanced contracts is stored in this table.

The column GBCFG (Generated by Configurator) has a flag that indicates that the purchase order has a related configured order.

Purchase Order Detail Tag File (F4311T)

Stores additional purchase order detail information in a tag file to the F4311 table.

Purchase Order Generator File (F4311Z)

Stores purchase order information.

Purchase Order Detail Unedited Transaction Table (F4311Z1)

Stores purchase order detail information for Procurement outbound interoperability. This includes the user-defined fields. The records for the F4320 table are not written to any Z file.

Purchase Order Receiver File (F43121)

Stores receipt record and voucher record information with details such as open quantity and open amount. The Job Typ field for advanced contracts is stored in this table.

Purchase Order Receiver Tag File (F43121T)

Stores additional receipt and voucher record information in a tag file to the F43121 table.

Receiver workfile (F43121Z)

Stores receipt record and voucher record information in a temporary work file.

Receipts Unedited Transaction Table (F43121Z1)

Stores purchase order receipt, receipts reversal, and receipt routing information for Procurement outbound interoperability.

Purchase Order Receiver Multiple Account (F43126)

Stores multiple account information for purchase order receivers.

Purchase Order Receiver Multiple Account Tag File (F43126T)

Stores additional information about multiple accounts for purchase order receivers in a tag file to the F43126 table.

Purchase Order Receiver Non-Billable (F43127)

Stores receipt information regarding nonbillable purchase-order detail lines.

Sales Order/Purchasing Text Detail Lines (F4314)

Stores the text information for detail lines on sales and purchase orders.

Voucher Match Multiple Account Tag File (F43146T)

Stores multiple account information for voucher match in a tag file to the F43146 table.

Freight Distribution Workfile (F43147)

Stores freight distribution information.

Voucher Match Selection File (F4314Z)

Stores voucher match information. The Job Typ field for advanced contracts is stored in this table.

Purchase Order Multiple Account File (F4316)

Stores multiple account distribution information for purchase orders.

Model Purchase Order Multiple Account File (F4316M)

Stores multiple account distribution information for model purchase orders.

Purchase Order Multiple Account Tag File (F4316T)

Stores additional multiple account distribution information for purchase orders in a tag file to the F4316 table.

Purchase Order Detail Non-Billable (F4317)

Stores information about purchase order detail lines that are nonbillable.

Approval/Rejection Reasons (F4318)

Stores information about approval and rejection reasons.

P.O. Detail Ledger File - Flexible Version (F43199)

Stores detail information for each purchase order line, such as item number, price, quantity ordered, and purchase amount (PA) ledger type.

Supplier Schedule Master File (F4321)

Stores most of the data that controls scheduling arrangements with the supplier. This table also contains information that is required for creating and maintaining the schedule, such as ship lead time, schedule days, ship pattern, shipment quantity, and delivery location. The system uses information from the Supplier Schedule Master File table for each line item on a blanket order that you use in the supplier scheduling process.

Supplier Schedule Master File (F43211)

Stores the data that identifies predetermined split percentages between suppliers, by item.

SRS Ship Dates (F43213)

Stores shipment dates for supplier release scheduling.

Purchasing Tolerance Rules (F4322)

Stores the purchasing tolerance rule settings, such as unit price tolerance and extended tolerance amounts.

Supplier Selection File (F4330)

Stores supplier information, such as individual price quote information.

Quantity Breaks File (F4331)

Stores information about quantity price breaks.

Multiple Requisition File (F4332)

Stores requisition information to create the detail lines on quote orders.

Purchase Order Dispatch Work File (F4333WF)

Stores dispatch information about purchase orders in a temporary work file.

Purchase Rebate Master File (F4340)

Stores information about purchase order rebates.

Purchase Rebate Threshold File (F4341)

Stores purchase rebate threshold information.

Purchase Inclusion Rules (F4342)

Stores purchase inclusion rule information.

Purchase Rebate History (F4343)

Stores standard procurement rebate information.

Supplier Page Hyperlinks (F4350)

Stores supplier information.

Supplier Page Hyperlinks (F4351)

Stores supplier information.

Subcontractor Threshold (F4355)

Stores information for the threshold that has been set for the subcontractor or supplier.

Open Purchase Order by Item Work File (F43632Z)

Stores open purchase order information by item. This is a temporary work file.

Suggested Reorder Stock Items (F4371)

Stores information from the Stocked Item Reorder Point Batch Purchase Order Generator program (R437002) report that contains a list of items that the system suggests for reordering.

When you are finished working with suggestions for reordering items, the system gives the option of purging the records that are contained in the Suggested Reorder Stock Items table (F4371).

Summary Voucher Match (F43800)

Stores summary information for voucher matching.

Requisition Order Header (F43E01)

Stores requisition header information, such as order company, order number, order type, business unit, order date, order amount, currency, number of detail lines, number of completed detail lines, number of canceled detail lines, requisition header status, and requisition title.