Understanding Blanket Orders

You can enter a blanket order when you have an agreement with a supplier to purchase a certain quantity or amount of goods over a period of time. When you enter a blanket order, you must specify the entire quantity or amount of the item or service that you want to order. For example, if you have an agreement with a supplier to purchase 100 widgets a month over the next 12 months, you must enter a blanket order for 1200 widgets.

You enter and print a blanket order in the same way that you enter and print a purchase order. To enter a blanket order, you must enter a single detail line for the entire blanket order quantity or amount. To print a blanket order, you must specify the order type.

Each time you are ready to receive a portion of the goods or services on a blanket order, you must release the quantity or amount for which you want to create a purchase order. For example, if you have a blanket order for 1200 widgets and you want to receive 100, you must locate the blanket order detail line and release 100 widgets.

For each blanket order on the system, you can view the original quantity on the order, the quantity or amount released to date, and the quantity or amount left to release.

Note: Blanket orders released by the P4310 program do not carry over the values in the user-defined fields on the Additional Properties and Category Codes tabs on the Order Header form or the Order Detail form.