Understanding Creation of Multiple Vouchers from Receipt Records

You might have an agreement with certain suppliers that the receipt records are sufficient for creating vouchers. When such an agreement exists, the supplier does not need to send you an invoice, and you can avoid manually matching receipt records to invoices to create vouchers.

You can run the Evaluated Receipt Settlement program (R43800) to review the receipts for which the system will create vouchers. You can also identify the receipts with errors so that you can correct them. After you have corrected any errors, you can run the program in final mode to create vouchers. You indicate the receipts for which the system:

  • Edits for errors.

  • Calculates taxes and discounts.

  • Creates vouchers.

  • Generates journal entries.

The system does not create vouchers for receipt items in a routing process until they are moved to an on-hand status. When the receipt items go through the routing process, the system assigns the receipt record an evaluated receipt value of R (in routing) in the F43121 table. When the items become on-hand, the system changes the value to Y (yes), so that you can create a voucher.

The system creates vouchers for landed costs if:

  • The receipt record for which you are entering landed costs is eligible for the Evaluated Receipt Settlement program (Evaluated Receipt field in the F43121 table is set to Y).

  • You can create vouchers for the landed cost supplier using the Evaluated Receipt Settlement program (Evaluated Receipt field on Purchasing Instructions (P40205) is set to Yes).

After the system creates the vouchers, you work with them as you would with any standard voucher.

Important: To create vouchers for a supplier in batch mode, you must set the Evaluated Receipt field in Purchasing Instructions to Y before you create purchase orders for the supplier. This is the default for each purchase order that you enter for the supplier. You can override this default for individual detail lines. If you set the Evaluated Receipt field in Purchasing Instructions to N, you cannot override the value on purchase orders.

The system gets receipt information from the F43121 table to generate vouchers in batch mode. You must use a formal receipt process to create vouchers in batch mode.

When you run Evaluated Receipt Settlement, the system generates two reports. If you run the program in proof mode, the first report contains all receipts for which the system will create vouchers. If you run the program in final mode, the report contains the voucher number, voucher amount, and so forth, for each receipt.

The second report lists all receipts for which vouchers cannot be created due to errors.