Understanding How to Update Rebate Information

You must run the Rebate Batch Report program (R43400) to:

  • Have the system determine whether you are due a rebate.

  • Send an electronic mail message to the rebate administrator.

The system tracks the quantity and amount of purchases that apply to a rebate agreement. You must run the Rebate Batch Report program to have the system compare this quantity or amount to that which is required to obtain the rebate.

You can have the system send a message to the rebate administrator when you meet the purchasing requirements for a rebate agreement or when you are within a certain range of meeting the requirements. For example, if you must purchase 100 items to obtain a rebate, you might want the rebate administrator to receive a message when you have purchased 90 items.

You must run the Rebate Batch Report program to have the system send a message. You use processing options to specify whether the system sends a message and to define a range. For example, if you want the system to send a message when you have purchased 90 of the 100 items that are required to obtain a rebate, you enter a range of 10 percent.

The following information appears in the message to the rebate administrator:

  • Supplier number

  • Agreement sequence number

  • Threshold amount

  • Actual purchases

  • Effective through date

You can specify a rebate administrator for each rebate agreement.