Understanding Methods to Purge Matched VMA Records from the F0411Z1 and F0411Z1T Tables

You can use the Batch Vouchers Revisions program (P0411Z1) to delete VMA records from the F0411Z1 and F0411Z1T tables when these conditions apply to the records:

  • If the process type is 1 (newly added or unmatched) or 4 (matched), you can delete the record.

  • If the process type is 2 (logged voucher exists), you can delete the record, and you must manually delete the existing F0411 record for the transaction.

    Important: The VMA process changes the process type from 1 to 2 when you run the VMA process to generate logged vouchers. When the system creates logged vouchers, it creates records in the F0411 table. Deleting a record from the F0411Z1 table does not delete the associated records in the F0411 table. You must use the Standard Voucher Entry program (P0411) to delete the records from the F0411 table.

You can purge matched records from the F0411Z1 table automatically as you run the voucher match automation process, or you can manually run a program to purge the matched records. Matched records have a process type (data item PSTE) of 4.

Note: When you purge records from the F0411Z1 table, the system also deletes the corresponding records in the F0411Z1T table.

To automatically purge process type 4 records as you run the voucher match automation process, set the Purge Processed Records processing option in one of the Voucher Match Automation Matching UBE programs to 1. The programs that include the Purge Processed Records processing option are:

  • Voucher Match Automation UBE for Automation Rule 01 (R4304016).

  • Voucher Match Automation UBE for Automation Rule 02, 03, 04, 05 (R4304020).

  • Voucher Match Automation UBE for Automation Rule 06 (R4304021).

When you set the processing option to 1, the system purges records with a process type of 4. When you purge records, the system purges all records that have a process type of 4. The program does not use any data selection in the Voucher Match Automation Matching UBE programs to determine which process type 4 records to purge. For example, the Voucher Match Automation Matching UBE programs include processing options that enable you to specify the line types to omit from processing. When you purge records, the system purges process type 4 records with any line type regardless of the values that you specify in the line type processing options.

Note: The system calls the Batch Voucher Processor Report program (R04110ZA) when you create logged vouchers during the voucher match automation process. The Batch Voucher Processor Report program includes a processing option that you can set to purge processed records from the F0411Z1 table. However, the voucher match automation process does not use the purge processing option in the Batch Voucher Processor Report program.

If you do not want to automatically purge all matched records from the F0411Z1 and F0411Z1T tables, leave blank the Purge Processed Records processing option in all of the Voucher Match Automation Matching UBE programs. If you do not automatically purge matched records, you can purge the records using one of these methods:

  • Manually run the Purge Batch Vouchers program.

  • Delete records individually by using the Batch Voucher Revisions (P0411Z1) program.