Understanding Purchase Order Templates

You can set up templates to streamline the order entry process. Templates contain items that you frequently order and the quantity in which you usually order them. You can access templates during purchase order entry to select items to order.

Each template contains a specific group of items. You can create standard templates for general use, or you can specify the supplier to which a template applies. You can also create a user template based on the user's most commonly ordered items.

When you set up an order template, you enter the items and item quantities to include on the template. You can have the system enter items on a template based on existing purchase orders that you select. You can also create or revise a template in batch mode using information from existing purchase orders.

An order template is a group of items that you order frequently. You use order templates during purchase order entry to select items to order.

You can create templates that are specific to a certain supplier. This kind of template is useful when you frequently order the same items from a supplier. You can also create standard templates that are not specific to a supplier. Instead, they contain items that are ordered frequently from different suppliers. You may also want to create a template based on a specific user and the items most commonly ordered by that user.

You can quickly create a supplier template or update an existing template based on items and item quantities on existing purchase orders. Based on the purchase orders that you select, the system adds items and item quantities to a template.