
These processing options enable you to enter the version for each application. If you leave any of these processing options blank, the system uses the ZJDE0001 version.

1. Open Order Inquiry (P4310)

Enter the version that the system uses when you are using the Open Order Inquiry program.

2. Sales Order Backorder Release (P42117)

Enter the version that the system uses when you are using the Sales Order Backorder Release program.

3. Receipt Traveler (P43512)

Enter the version that the system uses when you are using the Receipt Traveler Release program.

4. Receipt Routing (P43250)

Enter the version that the system uses when you are using the Receipt Routing program.

5. Putaway Requests (R46171)

Specify which version of the Putaway Requests program to use. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses XJDE0001.

6. Pick Requests (R46171)

Specify which version of the Location Selection Driver program the system uses to create pick requests during planned cross docking.

7. Online Reservations (P46130)

Specify which version of the Online Reservations program the system uses.

8. Purchase Order Entry (P4310)

Enter the version that the system uses when you are using the Purchase Order Entry program.

9. G/L Journal Entries (P0900049)

Enter the version that the system uses when you are using the G/L Journal Entries program. You can review versions for this program only in the interactive versions list.

10. Landed Cost Selection (P43291)

Enter the version that the system uses when you are using the Landed Cost Selection program.

11. Test Results Revisions (P3711)

Enter the version that the system uses when you are using the Test Results Revision program.

12. Blind Materials Issue (P31113)

Specify which version the system uses when performing the Materials Issue from Receipts function. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0009.

13. General Ledger Post (R09801)

Specify the version of the General Ledger Post Report program (R09801) to use for automatic posting of the G/L batch. If you leave this processing option blank, the system will use version ZJDE0009.

14. Price Check and Availability (P4074)

Specify the version that the system uses when you are using the Check Price History and Availability program (P4074). When you choose a version, review the version's processing options to ensure that the version meets the business needs.

15. Matrix Order Entry (P41902)

Specify which version of the Matrix Order Entry program (P41902) is available to you from the Sales Order application. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.