Voucher Match

These processing options enable you to process matched vouchers from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system rather than standard vouchers.

1. Match Processing

Specify the voucher match program to run. If you run the voucher match program, you can select either the three-way voucher match or the two-way voucher match. Values are:

Blank: Run Standard Voucher Entry (P0411).

1: Run Voucher Match (P4314) in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system. Alternatively, on the Non-Stock PO Processing menu (G43B11), select one of these:

  • Receive & Voucher POs.

  • Match Voucher to Open Receipt.

The Voucher Match program (P4314) does not access the Master Business Function (MBF) processing options (P0400047). Therefore, the MBF processing option settings do not affect Voucher Match processing.

You might want to reverse a voucher. For example, you reverse a voucher when you return the items for which you created the voucher. If the voucher has been posted, the system reverses the corresponding journal entries. If the voucher has not been posted, the system deletes the entries.

Do not delete a voucher in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable system if you created the voucher in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system. The voucher should be deleted in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system.

2. Voucher Match Version

Enter a specific version number to override the default value for the Voucher Match program (P4314) in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system. You must complete this processing option if you enter 1 in the Match Processing processing option.