
1. Suppress Canceled Lines

Specify whether the system should suppress canceled lines. Values are:

Blank: Do not suppress.

1: Suppress.

Note: If you create requisition lines and then cancel the lines in the same session of the Requisition Entry program, the system does not create records for them in the Requisition Detail table; therefore, such records do not appear upon re-inquiry.
2. Account Display

Specify how the system displays the Account Number field on the Requisition Entry form. Values are:

Blank: Displays the standard account number, third account number, account ID, or the speed code, depending on the first character that the user enters. You specify in the General Accounting constants the correlation between special characters and account number formats.

1: Displays the job cost sequence. For example, the system displays job, cost code, and cost type, and displays the fields separately.

2: Displays the standard sequence. For example, the system displays business unit, object account, and subsidiary, and displays the fields separately.

3. Cost Protection

Specify whether the system protects the product cost fields. Values are:

1: Disables the product cost fields.

Blank: Enables the product cost fields.

4. Business Unit Display

Specify the description that the system displays for the Business Unit field. Depending on the value that you specify, the system displays applicable field descriptions for other fields. Values are:

Blank: Displays the description, Branch/Plant, and displays field descriptions applicable to Procurement.

1: Displays the description, Job, and displays field descriptions applicable to Subcontracts.

2: Displays the description, Project, and displays field descriptions applicable to Subcontracts.

3: Displays the description, Business Unit, and displays field descriptions applicable to Procurement.

5. Display account fields on Products tab

Use this processing option to specify whether the system displays and enables account fields on the Products tab. Values are:

Blank: Do not display or enable.

1: Display and enable.

6. Enable Requested By

Use this processing option to specify whether the user can update the value in the Requested By field. By default, the system populates the field with the signed-on user's address book number. Values include:

Blank: Disable the Requested By field.

1: Enable Requested By field, and allow the user to change the value to any address book number.

2: Enable Requested By field with delegation, and allow the user to change the value to only the address book numbers for whom they have been assigned delegation rights.

7. Enable Business Unit

Use this option to specify whether a user can update the value in the business unit field.

The system populates this field with the business unit of the signed-on user. Therefore, if you allow users to enter requisitions on behalf of other employees, you should enable this field so that the delegated user can enter the business unit of the original requestor.

Values include:

Blank: Disable Business Unit field.

1: Enable Business Unit field.

8. Disable Unknown Commodity

Use this option to specify whether the commodity Unknown can be used when entering a requisition. Values include:

Blank: Allow the use of the Unknown commodity during requisition entry.

1: Do not allow the use of the Unknown commodity during requisition entry. If you select this option, the user must enter a valid commodity code.